9 © 2017 New Home Star. All Rights Reserved. | 9 See page 46 to request this SAMI. 9 © 2017 New Home Star. All Rights Reserved. | - Joan McGinn (Sales Manager, South Carolina) "Lake Carolina has worked with Toys for Tots for many years. We’ve offered our main sales center as a drop off location for donations and it has been a wonderful opportunity to partner with the community and help those less fortunate. We’ve used social media and our newsletter to advertise our site and we’ve been able to list it on the Toys for Tot’s website as well. Having ‘Santa’ present at the sales center for professional photos with kids can also be a big draw for Realtors with families. Provide cookies, cocoa, drive traffic, and spark conversation!" TOYS FOR TOTS Marketing Type Estimated Time Estimated Total Cost Suggested Materials Realtor 2-3 Hours $175 Flyers 4 bandit signs Drop off box Prizes Refreshments Overview There’s something special about giving back during the holiday season. As sales professionals, we have the ability to make a difference - especially during this memorable time of year. Participating with Toys for Tots is a great way to help the less fortunate. Simply set up a drop off location in your sales center where people can donate toys. You can also target the Realtor community by offering a raffle ticket (for a gift card, discount, etc.) to each agent that makes a donation. This enables you to build personal relationships with agents in your area. Things to Consider This initiative should create an increase in your community’s traffic. Take advantage of this opportunity by discussing other activities and promotions happening at your community. Make a memorable impression by having refreshments (hot cocoa works great during winter months) and marketing materials on hand for visitors that stop by to donate. Planning 1 2 3 4 1 month in advance: Contact Toys for Tots and meet with your builder to discuss raffle prizes. 2 weeks in advance: Market your drop-off location with social media, flyers and phone calls. 1 week in advance: Continue your social media campaign and make follow-up calls. Day of the initiative: Place signage throughout the community, directing traffic to your sales center. ITEM #SF204 "Wonderful opportunity" Additional Collateral Piece SIGNAGE SAMI BUNDLES WINTER GEM