3 © 2017 New Home Star. All Rights Reserved. | 3 THURSDAY, MAY 19 | 5:30 - 7:00 PM RSVP TO JANE OR JOHN DOE 555-555-5555 | JDOE@XYZHOMES.COM WWW.XYZHOMES.COM • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet • Id mel ignota perpetua • Pri id tale cetero nominati • No est consul percipit ocurreret • Eos minim graeco democritum cu 123 Fake Street Chicago, IL 60661 THURSDAY, MAY 19 5:30 - 7:00 PM Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id mel ignota perpetua. 3 © 2017 New Home Star. All Rights Reserved. | - Erin Clark (Sales Associate, Illinois) “‘Meet the Builder’ was a huge success! We met at a local winery for wine and apps, and after 20 minutes of mingling, our builder spoke on topics such as energy-efficiency, new versus used, and our company vision. It was the perfect environment for chatting and getting to know each other. I would recommend this event to anyone looking to spread word about a new builder or community, as well as those who are looking to show people what sets their established builder apart.” MEET THE BUILDER Marketing Type Estimated Time Estimated Total Cost Suggested Materials Prospect 4+ Hours $150 Flyers Refreshments/catering Balloons Giveaways Prize for drawing Overview Now that the temperature has risen and the snow has melted, spring is on its way to your community. With a wave of new buyers seeking a fresh start, this season can become incredibly overwhelming for all parties involved. This SAMI is hosted as a means for answering your buyers’ questions all at once! Invite your prospects to a “Meet the Builder” event in your model home where they can mingle with other prospects, chat with your builder team, and enter a drawing for free upgrades or closing costs. With a presentation from your builder and a Q&A session, potential buyers will walk away with a better understanding of your builder, community, construction processes, local area, and what it’s like to call your community ‘home’. Things to Consider Depending on the expected turnout, you may consider hosting this event at a different venue. To ensure an informal and relaxing atmosphere, you may choose to gather at a community fire pit, pool, etc. If you anticipate a large turnout, consider having dinner catered (remember to include a method for RSVP’s in your email campaign). See page 46 to request this SAMI. FRONT BACK Planning 1 2 3 4 1 month in advance: Meet with your builder to discuss the idea and determine details. 2 weeks in advance: Have a promotional flyer created for use in an email drip campaign that will target your prospects. 1 week in advance: Purchase any materials needed (refreshments, giveaways, etc.) Day of the initiative: Set up by cleaning the model, marking the location with balloons, and preparing the refreshments and Powerpoint presentation. ITEM #SF201 SPRING "Huge success!" Additional Collateral Piece SAMI BUNDLES