28 | Go To Page 46 For Your Request 555.555.5555 | xyzhomes.com | 123 Fake Street, Chicago, IL 60611 123 Fake Street, Chiccago, IL 60188 | 555-555-555 | www.xyzhomes.com Thank You Thank You DIRECT MARKETING GENERIC COMMUNITY THANK YOU Writing a customized message to a homeowner? Welcoming a new buyer to the community? Regardless of what you have to say, these community-themed greeting cards are sure to be a game changer. Prospect follow-up is made easy with these community- themed thank you cards. Keep a stack on your desk and jot down personalized notes after meeting with your customers. Once you’ve done that, it’s as simple as a stamp and a trip to the post office! ITEM # DM205 ITEM # DM206 Greeting Card Greeting Card Front Front Back Back