32 | Go To Page 46 For Your Request 32 EMAIL MARKETING Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to generate leads. Remember, when it comes to email marketing: open rate + conversion = sales. *James, Josh. "How Much Data Is Created Every Minute?" Data Created Every Minute | Domo Blog. N.p., 8 June 2012. Web. 16 Nov. 2016. KEEP YOUR LISTS CLEAN DO IT YOURSELF CHECKLIST REWORK YOUR SUBJECT LINES One of the worst things that can happen when uploading a list into an email platform is for that list to become ‘black listed’. This occurs when there are too many undeliverable users or you've downloaded the lists outside of your own CRM. The results may include the suspension of your email campaign or platform. TIP: If you've downloaded a list and want to use it, we recommend you upload it in sections and diversify it with other emails to avoid having it getting marked as spam. Remove all duplicates and syntax errors Remove addresses such as info@, support@, admin@, etc. Upload your list in sections Include only relevant prospects When determining your email campaign’s subject line, consider the following acronym: *Paquet, Miranda. "[Cheat Sheet] 12 Ideas for Super Subject Lines." Constant Contact Blogs. N.p., 21 July 2015. Web. 16 Nov. 2016. incere (be honest and non-hypocritical) old (make strong statements) motional (wear your heart on your sleeve) rgent (remind the reader that time is running out) oking (a good sense of humor goes a long way!) elebratory (announce something new and exciting) easing (give readers an exclusive sneak-peek!) S U B J E C T