16 | Go To Page 46 For Your Request NEW HOME SALES EVENT SPRING INTO YOUR any quick delivery home when you purchase and close this spring! 123 Fake Street Chicago, IL 60611 | 555-555-5555 | www.xyzhomes.com Don’t miss this limited time offer! Offer ends May 31st, 2017. $15,000 OFF *Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu cum nullam suavitate eloquentiam,mes adipiscing, ea eam epicurei scriptorem. Nobis apeirian sensibus vis in, ate usu. Laum per cu, congue commodo nec at. Ne sit nostrum omittam. No alienum adolescens eloquentiam cum. Ex dico explicari quo.dolescens eloquentiam cum. Ex dico explica. 123 FAKE ST., CHICAGO, IL 60611 We Are Lucky To Have Your Business! Join us for brunch during our Realtor appreciation event! Chance to win great prizes! March 15 9:30 am - 11:30 am 555-555-5555 www.xyzhomes.com SPRING INTO YOUR HOME ST. PATRICK'S DAY EVENT Seasonal Seasonal Let your marketing efforts spring into action with this prospect promotion. Create a sense of urgency that will encourage customers to move into their new home right away! This flyer advertises a reduction on pricing or options, along with an expiration date for the offer. The season will be in full bloom once you implement this SAMI. New home sales requires a lot of skill and a little luck. However, in March, luck plays an entirely new role in your level of success! Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by hosting a brunch to show your appreciation for your Realtor relationships. ITEM # F212 ITEM # F213 FLYERS